The multiples hats of a PM role

There is a question I hear a lot from my family and friends that do not work in IT: What do you do exactly? Looking back at the many times my mom asked me this questions, for example, I need to say that I believe she has not a clue about what I work with….

PM: The leader that has no authority

A Product Manager has the responsibility to build up products, to make them a success. In software development, “management” roles are trying to evolve for years in a magic formula that will make products more successful, with less risks and improved precision on estimations. I myself have worked as project manager, product owner and product…

IT Companies: How random conversation with friends turn into a blog post

I had an interesting discussion with two friends recently and since then I am thinking about it (thank you guys 😅). It all started with a simple question: Is Netflix an IT company? What about Amazon? And Apple? Microsoft? Spotify? You can imagine how long it took right? One of the main arguments was: If…

The Fight of the Moment: Company Vision x Product Vision

It’s common to see a clear line dividing business and IT at companies. I think I saw it in almost all the places I worked. There are IT people and the rest of the company. IT department is usually well distinguished from others, and I see so many problems emerging from that. And the hardest…

Prioritization: 42 is the Answer!

I already talked a bit about prioritization in another post and how, in real life, this is a complex problem to solve since each case can require different approaches. Today I want to talk again about prioritization, but this time I will focus on the metrics and process I usually use to gather data that…

Empowering the MVP Process

In my years of experience I have been learning about a bunch of methodologies, processes, frameworks, concepts, and so on. While applying something we learned, we can face the advantages and disadvantages of it, and we can also see that some technics work for some situations but can be terrible for others. Therefore, I have…

May the Fourth be with You!

This will be a different post. An exception in my writing style. Why? Well, all started because today is May, the 4th, and the nerd inside me said I needed to honor the day and write a post with this title/topic. But still keeping the blog’s purpose, of course. As the main word, I can…

From Tech to Business: The languages of a Product Manager

Communication is an essential skill for a Product Manager. We need to be able to simplify the business language once we are communicating with developers, we need to transform the technical important aspect of a product into a business language and we also need to clearly report all aspects of the product for the high…

The Wonderful World of Flat Hierarchy

I interviewed lots of candidates for teams I worked on, for other teams at the same company and, of course, I also was interviewed while looking for new opportunities for myself. In all cases, mentioning that the company has a flat hierarchy is considered an important aspect of the position and is placed as an…

The Power of Abstraction in Dealing with Complex Problems

Agile and Lean methodologies are widely used nowadays in software development and, when we use this kind of methodology, knowing how to change a big and complex problem into small problems is a fundamental skill. Only with small problems, it will be possible to create the many small frequent versions of a product and keep…