The Importance of Maturity in Self-Organizing Teams

When I started my career it was normal to work in a highly hierarchical company, where you boss tells you what you need to do, what you need to focus and when you need to stop everything to work on something else that is more important to him. If you started to work in IT…

The Subtle Art of Saying No

I can’t remember a single project I worked on that we had enough time to implement extra nice features and all stakeholders’ ideas. It was always a hard decision between what to pick up and what to put in the long waitlist. Because of that, knowing how to say no to people in a proper…

A Good Idea does not Mean Innovation

I see really cool projects being driven by the giants’ technologies companies, resulting in an innovative product, and I wonder: How do they do that? How they stimulate their employees to be so creative? I never worked for some of those companies, but I worked for quite big ones, in successful startups, small startups… And…

Prioritization: Don’t Panic!

Prioritization is for me one os the most controversial topic, and really hard to set good practices for. In interviews, for example, it is really hard to understand one’s mind on how to deal with prioritization. I will try to explain a bit how I deal with it, and give an example that I experienced….

Self-Organizing Teams: Team Setup

When I decided to create this blog, I first tried to organize some topics I would like to write about. I created a list and the most recurrent topic on it is about self-organizing teams. Once I realized it, it was clear to me that my first post could not be about anything else, but…