Prioritization: 42 is the Answer!

I already talked a bit about prioritization in another post and how, in real life, this is a complex problem to solve since each case can require different approaches. Today I want to talk again about prioritization, but this time I will focus on the metrics and process I usually use to gather data that…

The Subtle Art of Saying No

I can’t remember a single project I worked on that we had enough time to implement extra nice features and all stakeholders’ ideas. It was always a hard decision between what to pick up and what to put in the long waitlist. Because of that, knowing how to say no to people in a proper…

Prioritization: Don’t Panic!

Prioritization is for me one os the most controversial topic, and really hard to set good practices for. In interviews, for example, it is really hard to understand one’s mind on how to deal with prioritization. I will try to explain a bit how I deal with it, and give an example that I experienced….